Business Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev123456789NextU Pump ItProfile619 S. Main St.Scott City, KS 67871620-872-3741620-276-6078Fax: 620-872-3741EmailHours of OperationMon-Sat 6:00 a.m.- 10:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.Jenni Hipp, Area Coordinator; EmailConvenience Stores/Fuel StationsVallejo & Sons LLCProfile601 Myrtle StScott City, KS 67871620-214-2218EmailResidential and Commercial stump removal and tree trimming.TJ Vallejo; EmailLandscaping/Lawn Equipment & ServicesWack's Custom Baling LLC*Profile702 Oak StreetScott city, KS 67871620-874-5602EmailCustom Swathing and BalingDevin Wackerla, Owner; EmailAgricultureWestern Kansas Broadcast Center*Profilewww.westernkansasnews.comPO Box 246Scott City, KS 67871620-872-5283EmailAdam Kadavy, Sales Rep; EmailMedia-Newspapers/TV/RadioWestern Kansas Insurance Services, Inc.ProfilePO Box 142310 CourtScott City, KS 67871620-872-5866180-056-4-7612Fax: 620-872-3873EmailWestern Kansas Insurance Services, Inc. is an insurance agency specializing in Ag Business for over 30 years. We have experience lobbying in DC and keeping up to date on farm program changes in order to better serve our customers. Our commitment to our customers is at the very core of our success.Location DirectionsFrom the Intersection of Hwy 83 and Hwy 96, go 1 block West and 1 block North. We are located across from the Scott County Courthouse on the South end of the Professional Building.Hours of Operation9:00am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 5:00pm Monday-FridayLynnette Robinson, Agent; EmailInsurance ServicesWestern Kansas Property ManagementProfilePO Box 588Scott City, KS 67871620-765-0050EmailReid Frohlich; EmailRealtors/Rental PropertiesWestern State Box 2871425 S Main StreetScott City, KS 67871620-872-2227Fax: 620-872-0304EmailHours of OperationLobby Hours: Mon - Fri 9am -5 pm; Drive Thru Mon - Thurs 8 am - 5 pm; Fri - 8 am - 5:30 pmTroy Lewis; EmailFinancial Institutions & ServicesWheatland Accounts Payable DeptP.O. Box 1078Garden City, KS 67846620-872-5885620-874-4550Fax: 620-872-7170EmailAlli Conine, Community Development Manager; EmailCable/Internet/Wireless Services, Public Utilities/Energy Service ProvidersWhite's Foodliner JobsProfilewww.whitesfoodliner.com1314 S. Main StreetScott City, KS 67871620-506-4376Fax: 620-872-3530EmailRetail Grocery - Money Orders, Lottery, Hunting & Fishing Licenses, Chester's Chicken, Hot Deli, Meat & Cheese Trays and Fruit & Vegetable Trays. Home Delivery is available Monday thru Friday 8:00 - 5:00 p.m.Hours of OperationDaily 7 AM - 10 PMJustin Meireis, Store Manager; EmailGroceries/Butchers/Meat ProcessorsWiechman Land & CattleProfile3321 N Hwy 83Scott City, KS 67871EmailErik Wiechman; EmailAgricultural Services/Chemical & Seed Sales & ServicesWilkens PT, IncProfilewww.wilkenspt.com1420 S. Main St.Scott City, KS 67871620-909-5043EmailPhysical Therapy provided to improve pain and function to allow people toK.J. Wilkens, Owner; EmailHealthcare/Medical Services/Medical SuppliesWilliam Carpenter 4-H Foundation*Profilewww.scott.ksu.edu210 W. 4th St. Suite #1Scott City, KS 67871620-872-2930EmailKay Harkness; EmailCivic Clubs & Non Profit OrganizationsWilliam L Beaton, CPAProfileBox 676412 Main StreetScott City, KS 67871620-872-2675Fax: 620-872-5609EmailWilliam Beaton, Owner; EmailAccounting & Tax ServicesWinter Family DentistryProfilewww.winterfamilydentistry.com130 East Road 140Scott City, KS 67871620-872-8996Fax: 620-872-8997EmailProviding quality dental care to persons of all ages.Hours of OperationMon - Thurs 8:30 AM - 5:00 PMAdam Winter, D.D.S, Owner; EmailHealthcare/Medical Services/Medical SuppliesWKDC, LLC JobsProfilewkdc.com1451 Dunagan LaneSCOTT CITY, KS 67871620-874-4170Fax: 620-872-5800EmailWKDC offers a fleet of modern trucks and dozers. A full service contractor specializing in oilfield, farming, feedyard and commercial construction and rock hauling. Known for high quality work. All types of sizes of rock available.LINDA DUNAGAN, Office Manager; EmailTrucking & Hauling Services, Dirt ContractorsZ Bottling, LLCProfilezbottling.com907 West FifthScott City, KS 67871620-872-0100877-928-3717Fax: 620-869-9006EmailSince 1998, Z Bottling Corporation has been providing water bottle services to the folks of Scott City, KS and the surrounding areas. Get personalized service every time you need a new water cooler, custom labels for your bottles, and more.Hours of Operation8:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.Janessa Habiger, General Manager; EmailBottled Water/Ice VendingNew SearchPrev123456789NextMember Directory | Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Calendar of Events | Job Search | Member Promotions | News | Request for Information Discover Chamber Benefits Become a Member